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May 2018 - Grenada- Trinidad - USA

Caribbean |Windward Islands |Grenada| St. George's

Caribbean |Windward Islands |Grenada| St. George's | Grand Anse Bay

Caribbean |Windward Islands |Grenada| St. George's

Caribbean |Windward Islands |Grenada| St. George's | Nancy- Mike Lost Loon

Caribbean |Windward Islands |Grenada| St. George's | Grand Anse Bay

Caribbean |Windward Islands |Grenada| St. George's | Grand Anse Bay

May 1, 2018

Happy 4th Birthday to Allie our youngest grandchild. Happy May Day! Took dingy into St George's. Had a nice couple morning hours walking. Too hot by afternoon.

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Concord Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Concord Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Concord Falls | Mike Nancy s/v Lost Loon

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Concord Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Gouyave

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Gouyave

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Gouyave

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Gouyave

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Gouyave

May 2, 2018

Another spirited 12nm sail pounding into 6' seas. We sailed from St George's down to south coast of Granada. Had to motor sail the last 6nm to Clark's Court Bay anchorage. Anchored next to a Mason 44 s/v Music

May 4, 2018

We rented a car today and drove around Grenada. We visited two different waterfalls. google maps took us to a wrong spot for Concord Falls. But there was a trail that we took for Lovely driving along the west coast and up to Gouyave where we had a nice lunch at Kelly's Hotspot. She served lots of fresh vegetables and a yummy mahi mahi and tuna dinner. Then we drove to Seven Sisters Waterfalls. Warren was our guide at Seven Sisters. We didn't need a guide but it's slow season and we decided to give a boost to a local. Warren was very personable and informative. We had a lovely cold swim in the pool beneath the falls. It's a 2 hour walk up to the other falls so another time.

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Seven Sisters Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Seven Sisters Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Seven Sisters Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Seven Sisters Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Seven Sisters Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Seven Sisters Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Seven Sisters Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada | Seven Sisters Falls

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada |

May 5, 2018

We did our first HASH today. People come from all over Grenada to walk or run a course set in a community on the island. Today's run was a strenuous course up and down steep hills for 2 hours. Beautiful scenery through forests, farms, along creeks and even a waterfall. Mt. CARMEL Waterfall Battle Hill Union St Andrews. Ending with music, BQ , and beer. We had a busload of fun boaters. This is a weekly event in different parts of the island. Al and I earned a certificate as virgin HASHERs complete with a beer bath. Traditional rum shop (bar) stops on way home.

Caribbean | Windward Islands | Grenada |Bumpy Bar -Rum Shop

Caribbean|Windward Islands |Grenada |Battle Hill, Union, St. Andrews|HASH run celebration VIRGINS

Caribbean|Windward Islands |Grenada |Battle Hill, Union, St. Andrews|HASH run

Caribbean|Windward Islands |Grenada |Battle Hill, Union, St. Andrews|HASH run

Caribbean|Windward Islands |Grenada |Battle Hill, Union, St. Andrews|HASH run

Caribbean|Windward Islands |Grenada |Battle Hill, Union, St. Andrews|HASH run MT Carmel Falls

May 6, 2018

Artemis at anchor Clark's Court Bay, Grenada. Fun time at Hog Island Beach BQ with live music. Man came up to me and said my wife insists you were on 2008 EMYR. Small world they were in Group 6 s/y Divine when we took the yacht rally from Turkey to Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt.

Caribbean|Windward Islands |Grenada |Hog Island | Sunday Beach BQ

Caribbean|Windward Islands |Grenada |Hog Island | Sunday Beach BQ

May 7, 2018

We went to the end of season OCC (Ocean Cruising Club ) lunch today in Grenada. Met a boat we helped dock back in Nazare Portugal last September. Never know where you'll meet up again. Riding the bus was an experience. It took over an hour to get back by bus but only 10 minutes by car on the drive over.

Caribbean|Windward Islands |Grenada |Prickly Bay | OCC end year lunch

Caribbean|Windward Islands |Grenada |Prickly Bay | OCC end year lunch

May 11, 2018

We did an overnight from Grenada to Trinidad. No pirates but lots of wind. We ended up motor sailing as the seas/current were stopping the boat. We are at Coral Cove Marina until we haul out May 17. Went out for a Bake & Shark sandwich. Pictures approaching Boca Moro Trinidad.





May 17, 2018

Everything went well today with our haul out at Peake Yacht Services in Trinidad. Mr. Peake even came to watch Artemis be hauled. We got a lot done but it was a good thing we started our list while in the water. We ran the air conditioner while in the marina the first time since Israel and Turkey 2008. Now we are in a hotel until we fly home on Sunday. Too hot to sleep aboard and our bed has junk stored in it. Tomorrow we are shopping for dehumidifier, tour of Port of Spain and visit to the temples.

Caribbean|Trinidad | Chaguaramas | Peake Yacht Services | Artemis haul out

Caribbean|Trinidad | Chaguaramas | Peake Yacht Services | Artemis haul out

Caribbean|Trinidad | Chaguaramas | Peake Yacht Services | Artemis haul out

Caribbean|Trinidad | Chaguaramas | Peake Yacht Services | Artemis haul out Mr. Peake

Caribbean|Trinidad | Chaguaramas

May 19, 2018

We had to clear customs and immigration today in order to fly out of Trinidad on Sunday. Special papers proving our boat is on the hard at Peakes and we can fly back on a one way ticket as we are leaving on a boat. Forms forms and more forms...We hired a driver Jonathan through Jessie James for a tour of Port of Spain. We visited the Catholic Basilica Immaculate Conception and the Anglican Cathedral Holy Trinity. We walked around the area for a while.

Caribbean|Trinidad |Port of Spain |Basilica Immaculate Conception

Caribbean|Trinidad |Port of Spain |Basilica Immaculate Conception

Caribbean|Trinidad |Port of Spain |Basilica Immaculate Conception

Caribbean|Trinidad |Port of Spain |Cathedral Holy Trinity

Caribbean|Trinidad |Port of Spain |Cathedral Holy Trinity

Then we drove to Queen's Park Savannah to view the so called Magnificent Seven. Beautiful old mansions from Colonial Days. Stollmeyer's Castle, Archbishop's House, Queen's Royal College, Whitehall, Ambard's House, Mille Fleur, and Hayes Court.

West Indies|Trinidad |Port of Spain|Queen's Park Savannah|Magnificent Seven|Stollmeyers Castle

West Indies|Trinidad |Port of Spain|Queen's Park Savannah|Magnificent Seven|Whitehall

West Indies|Trinidad |Port of Spain|Queen's Park Savannah|Magnificent Seven|Stollmeyer's Castle

West Indies|Trinidad |Port of Spain|Queen's Park Savannah|Magnificent Seven|Archbishop's House

West Indies|Trinidad |Port of Spain|Queen's Park Savannah|Magnificent Seven|Queens Royal College

We drove back to Chaguaramas and visited the Bamboo Cathedral (Road Canopy of Bamboo) and old US tracking Station. People hike and bike this road but glad we were in an airconditioned car. We ended up by Maracas Bay and beach. We also had Jonathan help us run some errands. One of which was a visit to Price Smart (Cosco/Sam's Club type) to buy a dehumidifier for the boat.

West Indies | Trinidad | Chaguaramas | Maracus Bay

West Indies | Trinidad | Chaguaramas| Bamboo Cathedral

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