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June 2017 - France and USA

We left Artemis in Rouen with both masts back in place. We flew home to USA to visit family, friends and annual doctor visits. Great visit and we put on lots of miles on our rental car. We started in Chicago with son Justin, wife Chris and granddaughters Sara and Lucy. My our girls have changed so much in just 3 months. We had a fun 5 days playing and catching up. Then on to Tennesee to visit son Christopher, wife Mary and grandkids Madison, Jackson, and new puppy Zeus. Son Patrick, wife Nicci and granddaughters Josie, Emma and Aleah arrived from Minnesota to visit too. We had fun times playing in the pool and enjoying this family time too. Our next road trip took us to Montezuma New York to visit my Dad in the house he was born in 94 years ago. My brother Tom, wife Margaret and family leave nearby, my brother Mike flew in from Texas, sister Kate from Seattle and brother Pat and wife Carol from Minnesota. It became an impromptu family reunion for a week. Dad continues to do well on his own in NY and winters with sister Brigid's family in Florida. July will take us back to Chicago and on to Minnesota.

Pictures from Chicago June 2017

Pictures from Franklin, Tennessee June 2017

Pictures Montezuma, New York June 2017

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