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December 2015 - USA

USA | Minnesota | Maple Lake| Wildfire Farms | Emma on Crystal with Grandpa

December 30, 2015

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We've been back in the states since Dec. 1 enjoying family time.

We spent the first two weeks in Chicago first with our son Justin, Chris and their two girls Sara (4) and Lucy (2). We went downtown to see the holiday train and the Christmas tree.

We had fun taking the girls to the zoo, baking and just having a good time in the playroom.

Then we stayed with our son Christopher, Mary and kids Madison (6) and Jack (4 1/2) in Lake Forest,IL. We were able to attend Madison's Christmas program at school, read lots of stories, watched gymnastics and played board games. We came to Minnesota Dec. 12 and are now in Cottage Grove with son Patrick, Nicci, and girls Josie (8), Emma (5), and Aleah (20mo). We've had fun reading, playing games, visiting Macy's Storyland and Rumpus Bookstore. We enjoyed a visit to the Minnesota Zoo with the girls after Christmas. We've had time with Al's mom (91) in Buffalo, MN who is suffering from some back pain and went into a nursing home for therapy.

We celebrated Christmas Eve with Patrick's family and our friend Rich. Pat grilled some beautiful steaks. Christmas morning after the girls opened Santa gifts we enjoyed a brunch before heading to Buffalo, MN to Al's sister Connie's house to celebrate with Al's family.

The day after Christmas Pat, Nicci and girls came to nephew Steve and wife Jamies horse farm in Maple Lake, MN to celebrate with the cousins. Steve and Jamie took the girls into their indoor arena to ride horses. They saddled up a pony, Crystal and a horse Jack for Emma and Josie to ride. First Grandpa led Emma around the arena on the pony. Josie was quick to follow on Jack. Next Steve put them on a long lead and let them ride in a circle. Then he unclipped the lead line and just let them go. They had a great time. Their daughter Josey (3) has been riding Crystal for a year already. We had a great time playing board games and cards. We went to the Minnesota zoo before we flew back to Chicago to visits the Illinois kids again until Jan. 24.

USA | Minnesota | Apple Valley | Minnesota Zoo | Grandma and Allie

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