August 2014- Norway, Sweden, Denmark

Denmark | Samos Island | Marup Harbor
August 16, 2014
Dear Family and friends, Busy couple of weeks passage making to British Kiel Yacht Club near Kiel Canal Germany. Hurricane Bertha missed the USA east coast but sent lots of nasty weather our way. We motor/sailed 80nm from Skagen to Grena, Denmark staying two nights. Then about 30nm to Ebeltoft, Denmark cute town. We stayed two days as a gale blew through.
Last Sunday we sailed to Marup Havn on Samso Island, Denmark. Good thing we left early as a gale blew in later in the day and continued for two more. It's a very shallow entrance so with seas blowing past we weren't going anywhere for a few days. We got our bikes out and had a nice ride, well except for coming back against the wind.
Finally on Wednesday we ventured out 45nm to Gammel Havn, Middelfart, Denmark. What a day. We got our exercise changing sails and cranking them in. Too little wind, too much wind, too little, too much but we sailed all but the last couple of miles. Rain, hail and big seas on the nose but kept nice and dry in our "fort" (cockpit enclosure). We were glad to enter Middelfart, the entrance to Lille Baelt Denmark.

Denmark | Lille Baelt | Sonderborg
The rest of our trip to Germany was along a western shore so lots of wind but no seas. Thursday we sailed down to Als Fjord and on to Sonderborg, Denmark. Again a lovely sailing day but difficult mooring in Sonderborg Havn. We finally made do with a spot along side the end of one of the box moorings. With some help from our German neighbors we got tied off and figured out a way to get on and off the boat as this was not a designated mooring spot. We stayed Friday too and walked into the town. Great bike paths but too much of a hassle to get them off of the boat. Sonderborg is the main town for the area, lots of shopping, castle, and museums. We visited the Tilting-at-the-Ring museum. Riders on horseback gallop through a gallows and lift a ring strung across with a lance.
Today we had another great sail with little seas as we sailed along the coast with WNW winds. We arrived at British Kiel Yacht Club (BKYC) around 1400 and are getting organized for our trip home. We fly out of Hamburg on SAS Tuesday about 1330 and arrive in Chicago at 1740. (change plans Copenhagen so about 11hrs) Can't wait to spoil grandkids especially our newest grand daughters Lucy 7 months and Allie whom we've only seen on skype and video now 3 1/2 months. We'll be in Chicago first until Aug. 24 between Christopher and Justin's homes. Then we'll be at Patrick's until Sept. 2 or 3 . Then back to Chicago again before we fly back to Germany Sept. 9. It's a short visit but then we're back again mid Dec. until mid to late Feb. Hope all is well and you're having a nice weekend. Love and God Bless Sally and Al

Sweden | Grundsund | Grundsund Marina
August 4, 2014
Dear Family and friends,
We had 2 more wonderful days sailing and anchoring in Norway. Strong winds so often we were sailing with just the main and going hull speed 6.5-7.5kts. We stopped at Mandal, Norway to refuel and provision. Then the next two nights we were at anchor again in south Norway. After scoping out 3 different anchorages we finally ended up in Gamle Hellsund in Blindleiaarea to sit out a gale.
Friday morning we left early and sailed to Grundsund, Sweden about 100nm. We were met on the harbor quay by our friends Ulla and Roger s/y Querida who we met in Turkey the winter of 2008-09. They came aboard and led us back into their part of the harbor where we berthed for free in their friends mooring spot. Grundsund is a fishing village on an island near Lysekil, Sweden. Less than 500 people live here in the winter months but a few thousand during the summer.
On Saturday we took a ferry over to Lysekil and had lunch at their son Jonas' restaurant NH 5. Lovely restaurant on the harbor front and wonderful food. (see facebook NH5) Our meal came with a herring buffet. Yum. I didn't know how much I love herring and all the different sauces it can be served in. My favorite was in a current sauce. We had beautifully presented yummy chicken for our main course. The restaurant is known for it's fish but we were having fish for dinner. Hindsight...we should have ordered one of each:-) Lysekil was having a mussel festival so after wandering around town we stopped and had a beer. Ulla and Roger had us up to their house for a lovely dinner of SeaFood chowder.
Sunday we drove to a large grocery store to stock up then went out for a little cruise on their sailboat Querida. We had planned to swim but threatening clouds squashed that. It was fun seeing their regular cruising area and where Ulla played as a child. We decided to go with Ulla and Roger to Skagen, Denmark. So we were up early Monday morning and left Grundsund at 0500 arriving in Skagen about 1430. This is the northern most point of Denmark. We had a beer on the waterfront, wandered town and went back to the waterfront for dinner at Skagen Fiskerestaurant. Yum Mussels and roasted plaice. Of course we shared!

Denmark | Skagen | Grenen | Sally and Ulla with one foot in Kattegat and one in Skagerrak
Today went to Skagens Museum which displayed artists work done in Skagen 1870-1930 done by PS Kroyer and Anna and Michael Ancher. Also a special exhibition by Tuxen. So now we have some new favorite artists to look for in London museums. We never looked specifically for Danish artists before. This afternoon we plan to ride bikes with Ulla and Roger to Grenen. This is the northern most point of Denmark a long curved sweep of sand where the waters of the Kattegat and Skagerrak come together. You can stand on the tip and place a foot in each sea:-) Hope all is well and we'll be home for 3 weeks soon. Love and God bless Sally and Al