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February /March 2014 - England

England | London | Big Ben and Parliment

March 12, 2014

Hi Family and Friends, We've had fantastic weather this spring in London. Mostly dry days and at least partial sunny days with temps 50's or higher. Much nicer weather than all the cold and snow in Minnesota and Chicago. We've had some great lunchtime concerts at St. Martin-in-the-Fields. We go a couple of times a week.

UK | Englan | London | Regents Park | Babies

UK | England | London | Regents Park | Spring time with lots of flowering trees.

Some nice walks and a few new museums. The crocus, daffodils, and flowering fruit trees have been with us for a couple of weeks already. Al made new sail covers and finished up the new weather cloths he made last Fall.

We finally washed the topside's of Artemis and scrubbed the green off. Today I wash and waxed the cabin top and she's looking good. Al put some Teak Wonder on the cabin top teak. We'll do the lower deck tomorrow. The hull will have to wait until we haul out April 4 at Levington Marina on the River Orwell. We will leave St. Katharine's Dock March 28 so we can catch a favorable tide. We want to make it down the Thames to our favorite anchorage in the Medway before dark. Then the next day we'll catch the tide up to the River Orwell. Of course this is all dependant on weather. We have a couple of days we can work with. Meanwhile the winches are greased, the autopilot hooked back up, the problems with our GPS sending latitude and longitude info to our radios solved, but the genset is still a mystery that needs to be dealt with. Hope all is well. We wish a special Happy 90th birthday to Al's mom on March 16. Love and God Bless Sally and Al

February 21, 2014

Hi Family and Friends, We are back in London aboard Artemis. She looks good and we're thankful to friends who kept an eye on her while we were gone. Since I last wrote we had a great time getting to know our new grand daughter Lucy and having some good quality time with Sara in Chicago. We then had a relaxing fun week with my Dad and sister Brigid's family in sunny hot Florida! It was tough coming back to snow and cold Chicago. We had a great week with Christopher's family. I loved the bedtime routines with all our grandkids. (stories and songs before bed). Strep and 12 hr. flu bug hit their household while we were there. Fortunately we had landed in London before it hit me. Al's keeping his fingers crossed. Pat and Justin had painting projects for Al to do but Christopher came up with a building project. Al made them a 4X8 ball pit. I believe Mary ordered 4,600 colorful plastic balls to fill it. The kids have figured out how to get in and out using a plastic slide inside and the couch:-) Christopher lost his phone the first time he went in. It was good to be home and hard to leave the grandkids. Al has many projects planned before we begin our cruising season in late April. So it was time to come back to London. We are planning to head up the east coast of UK to the Shetlands and then cross to Bergan and Norway this summer. Hope all is well. Love and God Bless Sally and Al



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