June 2012 - Spain and USA

Spain | Vigo | Marina Real Club Nautico | Artemis
June 5, 2012
Hi everyone, We've had great fun exploring Vigo. Saturday we hiked down to Bouza to visit a couple of chandeliers but only found one open. We had a bit of rain but had taken our umbrellas along. Sunday we went to mass, checked out the train station and hiked up to the laundramat twice. Once to check it out and then again to do a load of laundry:-)
Yesterday we took the train to Pontevedre (an old Spanish capital) and had a nice day enjoying it's historic old town. Then last night we went to El Porto a fish restaurant recommended to us. We had a great meal. Pulpo and monkfish. Both were excellent. Today we packed our bags and got Artemis ready for her Vigo stay while we're home in US. We fly to Madrid in the morning and then on to Chicago arriving 2:30...Just in time for the kids to be waking up from their naps:-) Love and God Bless Sally and Al