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August 2010 - USA, Eastern Italy

August 29, 2010

Hi everyone We motor sailed to Ciro Fishing Harbor about 58nm on Friday. A fisherman and his son waved us over to the entrance pier below the harbor light to tie off for the night. It wasn't the best spot in town but the only one to be had. Ciro is really a fishing boat and small boat harbor. Gave the fisherman a beer and the little boy some of Al's private stash of mini Snicker bars. Another yacht came in and moored on the other side of the entrance. He came over for a visit and gave us some weather tips (Windfinder works best here) and harbor info. We took a walk around

town. It was a lot quieter than the last time we were here. It was a feast day and the streets were packed.

Adriatic Sea |Italy | Le Castella | harbor and Castle

Saturday we motor sailed to Le Castella about 35 nm. We tied off to some fishing boats because the main harbor has a shallow entrance. We had lunch (calzone, risotto balls and pizza) then walked to the floating dock with two other sailboats on it across from where we were tied off. Good thing. The sailor on the 55 ' yacht suggested we move over and tie off of him as the fisherman will leave to go fishing late at night. So we moved over and then walked to the swimming beach to cool off. It's been hot and the water is perfect. Well our quiet evening quickly turned into 30+ kts from the SW squeezing our 10 fenders nearly flat against the 55' Italian boat but during the night it quieted down. This morning we went to mass then made a picnic to go visit the fortress of Castella. We spent an hour or so exploring and climbing the tower for spectacular views of the sea. Then we had our picnic and went to the beach for a swim. Did some laundry and filled the water tanks so of course the wind kicked up out of the NE this time. I added some extra pins and the clothes dried quickly. Fortunately we were tucked behind the 55' sailboat "breakwall" so we weren't moving much at all and by 8 PM all was calm. We plan to head for Rocella Ionica tomorrow and then on to Sicily the next day. Hope everyone ha d a nice weekend. Love and God Bless Sally and Al

Adriatic Sea |Italy | Gallipoli | shopping in old city

August 26, 2010

Hi everyone thank you for the birthday and anniversary wishes! We celebrated with a wonderful meal at Il Giardino Segreto (The Secret Garden)in Gallipoli, Italy. Gallipoli is a beautiful old city almost on an island on the "heel of the boot" of Italy. It's connected to land by a short bridge. There's a castle, Cathedral and 18 other churches to visit. Another interesting site is a pharmacy decorated 18th century style with all the old medicine jars etc. Gallipoli is a maze of winding narrow cobbled streets, mansions, shops, restaurants, and churches. August is the end of the tourist season in Italy so the streets and restaurants are packed with families enjoying their holiday.

Adriatic Sea |Italy | Gallipoli | Seno del Canneto | Artemis moored in fishing harbor

We were tied alongside in Seno del Canneto the fishing harbor on the south side of Gallipoli on a free dock we were told about while in Brindisi. There is also a yacht marina on the north side. Both harbors lead into the Old Town so are very convenient for exploring. We took an afternoon nap (so hot and wine with lunch) and then went out again in the cool of the evening. The Italians don't even start dining until 9 or 10PM that's why we had lunch at 2. All the churches and sites were open in the evening so everyone strolled about exploring and choosing an evening meal spot. Great people watching opportunities in Italy as the "Promenade" occurs every evening. Families and friends come out of their homes to stroll the boardwalk along the sea. The evening really begins to kick up about 11 PM and we can hear talking and laughing into the wee hours of the morning.

This morning a fishing boat came alongside and asked us to move as he wanted to pick up some nets off the dock. So we went out to the anchorage outside of the harbor. We could move back in but we will stay here as we can swim off the boat and it's cooler than the harbor. We plan to head for Ciro tomorrow. Three years ago we stayed there during a festival and they shot fireworks over our boat. I guess I wasn't clear in my last email about internet. We have excellent internet all the time on the boat for about 1 Euro a day but it isn't fast enough to work Skype. That's why we are not able to call people or see the grand kids in action:-( We're hoping this will improve in other parts of Italy. Meanwhile we'll continue to use prepaid calling cards and find a quiet pay phone to use. Have a nice weekend and for those in Minnesota Enjoy the State Fair. Love and God Bless Sally and Al

Italy | Western Adriatic | Brindisi | Brindisi town quay at night

August 18, 2010

Hi everyone, We arrived safely in Brindisi,Italy right on time yesterday from Chicago. Artemis looks great except for the growth on her hull which will disappear quickly once we start moving again. Today we changed oil, transmission fluid and took on a fresh water supply. We went grocery shopping and took an afternoon nap. It usually takes a little while to catch up on the new time zone. We are now 7 hours ahead of Minnesota time. Tomorrow we'll leave the boatyard and move to the town quay after getting fuel. We'll probably head for Otranto on Friday. Love and God Bless Sally and Al

  • email: (cruising email)

  • ( is the same email)(land email)

  • skype: artemisketch

  • skype phone: 952-232-5895

  • website:

USA | Washington | Seattle | Annie and Jerry's wedding | Mary, Christopher, Annie , and Sally

USA | Minnesota | Francis and Annette Pribyl | Bud September 17, 1921- July 7, 2010

August 16, 2010

Hi Everyone, We had a good visit home. We felt fortunate to have time with Al's Father, Mom and family during his father's last week of life. We received an email on Tues. June 29 in Corfu that Al's Dad was dying. So we cleared customs, pulled anchor and headed 80nm for Navale Balsamo, Brindisi where we had already made arrangements to leave Artemis and fly home later in the month. Horrible passage. The wind and seas were directly on the nose. We tried motoring into it but making only 2kts so finally sailed off and hoped we'd make it to Brindisi before the boatyard we planned to use was closed for the day. We had originally planned to arrive by 0800 but fortunately arrived by 1330. We got Artemis ready to leave for 6 weeks and made arrangements to get to the airport early Thurs. morning.

We were at the hospital thanks to Mary and Chris meeting us at the Chicago airport with our car and a picnic supper, by 2200 that night. The family brought Grandpa Bud home to Al's sister Connie's house with hospice care on Friday. We had a fun Saturday with family and friends visiting at the lake, saying good-bye to Grandpa, and watching the great grandkids play in the lake. We wheeled Grandpa's bed onto the porch so he could enjoy the day. I still see him with his baseball hat on smiling and telling stories with people. The family took turns sitting with Grandpa and saying the rosary with him over the next couple of days. Francis Bud went to join his son Frankie in heaven on Wednesday July 7.

We flew to Seattle for our niece Annie and Jerry's wedding. Annie and Jerry did a marvelous job preparing and the day was beautiful. Kate made all our accommodation plans and we were comfortable in a lovely B&B not far from Katie's house. Also Katie put together the music and a choir of 20+ family and friends to sing the wedding mass. Everything was perfect. Al and I stayed on a week in Seattle as most of my family was there for the wedding. My Dad flew back to MN for another 2 weeks so we had more time with him while there.

We were also able to bring Al's mom down to Cottage Grove a couple of times for visits there. We had great time playing and spoiling Josie and baby Emma before heading to Chicago to spoil Maddie there. So all in all we had a good trip home and now it's time to return to Artemis. We fly Alitalia this afternoon to Rome and on to Brindisi Italy where Artemis has been moored since June 30. We plan to spend a few days in Brindisi getting supplies and rest before cruising west. I'll try to keep pictures and logs coming. Don't forget the pics are on We'll be back for Christmas. Love and God Bless Sally and Al



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