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September 2009 - USA, Turkey

Turkey | South Dardanelles | Anit Limani anchorage below Turkish Gateway-Gallipoli Memorial

Turkey | Sea of Marmara | Great sail to Dardanelles | Sally's new haircut

September 30, 2009

Hi Everyone We left Avsa Adasi and had a great motor sail down the Dardanelles to Anit Limani. It was a beautiful anchorage below the Turkish Gateway and British War Memorial on the European side of Dardanelles. Beautiful moon and a quiet night. We went another 45 nm today to Sivrice Cove near Ancient Assos. We plan to get up in the morning and go the 5nm to Assos so we can explore the archeological site before noon. Then we'll head for Ayvalik another 18 nm away. We're expecting some strong south winds for a few days so we'll stay put there. We plan to shop, internet and buy Mike's ticket back to Istanbul. We need to do that before heading into Greece. Nice sunny days but a bit cooler when the wind pipes up. We're hoping for swimming weather soon. If you go to our website and push Find Us and then zoom in you'll be able to see where we are each day.

Love and God Bless Sally and Al

September 27, 2009

We left early from Princes Island and sailed/motored 75nm across the Sea of Marmara to Avsa Adasi. It took about 12 hrs We were glad to arrive about 1700. This island has an unfinished free harbor we stayed at last June. The town is quite a walk from the harbor. Today we walked to town, not much there but cute. We tasted some wines and cheeses. I got a much needed haircut and we picked up a few groceries.

Turkey | Sea of Marmara | Princes Islands | Heybeliada Island| Horses to pull carriages on island

Turkey | Sea of Marmara | Princes Islands | Heybeliada Island| Sally and brother Michael

Turkey | Sea of Marmara | Princes Islands | Heybeliada Island

September 25, 2009

We left Pendik and spent a night at Princes Islands at Heybeliada Island Cam Limani anchorage. Princes Islands are a group of 9 islands just southeast of Istanbul. Ferry runs between them and to the mainland so lots of day trippers and vacationers. We had fun hiking about on the island It felt good to stretch our legs after all the traveling.

September 24, 2009

Hi everyone, We arrived at Marinturk City Port Marina Istanbul Turkey last night. We had trouble connecting with brother Mike but he finally called home. Christopher kept calling him for us and Susan. He had forgotten to turn on his phone ringer and was waiting at the wrong meeting place. But all worked out well and we arrived at the boat within a half hour of each other. Today we went grocery shopping and got the boat ready to leave tomorrow. We'll stop somewhere in Sea of Marmara tomorrow night. Love Sally and Al

September 22, 2009

Hi everyone, What an amazing fun month in the States. We baptised Mary and Chris baby Madison and watched the rapid growth and maturity that happens in just one month. We spoiled Pat and Nicci's 2.5 year old Josie and are amazed at the changes since we left mid February. Both girls love to laugh, talk, sing and have fun so they definitely take after their grandparents:-) Pat and Nicci are expecting baby #2 mid March.

We had a fantastic celebration with family and friend of Chris and Justin's marriage. Between the wonderful wedding couple's shower our family had for them in Minnesota and the awesome wedding weekend in Chicago we were able to spend time with many of our friends and most of our immediate families.

We leave Chicago today for Istanbul where we'll be home aboard Artemis again. My brother Mike is already there and will sail with us until the end of October. We plan to cruise Turkey and Greece back to Kemer Turkey for the winter.

We now have a Minnesota telephone number that will directly link up to us either by computer or our current cell phone. So no matter where we are in the world if youdial 952-232-5895 you should be able to connect with us. There is no charge for in coming calls on our cell phone. Remember we are 8 hours ahead of you so try to call before 2:00 PM to assure we are still awake. We'll be back in Chicago/Minnesota/New York, Mid December through mid February. Love and God Bless Sally and Al



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