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March 2008 - Turkey

March 31, 2008

We launched Artemis today before the rain and beautiful rainbow.

March 28, 2008 Boatyard

March 26 Orchestra Concert

Turkey | Kemer | Kemer Marina | Navigator Restaurant Kitchen | ladies making hot cross buns

Turkey | Kemer Marina | Navigator Restaurant terrace | Good Friday Hot Cross Buns

Turkey | Kemer Marina | Maundy Thursday | Swedish kids tradition witches on broom sticks

March 23, 2008

Happy Easter! The Kemer Cruisers once again organized a wonderful celebration for us. We started off the weekend with Hot Cross Buns prepared by some of our women using the Navigator kitchen and ovens. They busily prepared early Good Friday morning and then invited all of the Cruisers for coffee and Hot Cross buns on the Navigator Terrace.

Turkey | Kemer | Kemer Marina | Spring Boat Jumble

Turkey | Kemer Marina | Navigator Restaurant | Easter Party Saturday dinner

Turkey | Kemer | Kemer Marina Navigator Restaurant| Easter Bonnet Parade

March 22, 2008 On Saturday we had a Boat Jumble organized for the morning. An Easter Party was planned for the evening we started out with an Easter Bonnet Parade and then a lovely dinner put on by the Navigator.

Turkey | Kemer Marina | Easter Service on the Pier

Turkey | Kemer Marina | Swim Platform | Easter Morning plunge

Turkey | Kemer Marina | Navigator Restaurant Terrace | Easter Full English Breakfast

Today some of the cruisers planned an Easter Service on the pier. I did a reading and we had lovely music. After the service some brave souls went in for a Cold Cold water swim. Then we all met at the Navigator Restaurant for an English breakfast served by the Navigator Staff on the terrace. We even had Easter eggs! After breakfast we took a hike/walk to the Rock Hotel where we had Easter Dinner, egg hunt and some games.

Turkey | Kemer | Rock Hotel | cruisers walking to Easter Dinner

Turkey | Kemer | Rock Hotel | fording a stream that covered the road to the restaurant

Turkey | Kemer | Rock Hotel | Egg Toss Game

Turkey | Kemer | Rock Hotel Restaurant| Easter Dinner

March 19, 2008

Chamber Music at Kemer. The Marina sponsored the Kemer Quartet to come play for us once a month in the Navigator Restaurant. The musicians also play in the Antalya Orchestra.

Turkey | Kemer Marina | Navigator Restaurant | Kemer Quartet - flute, oboe, violin, cello

March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Kemer Cruisers always looking for a reason to party. We learned some Irish songs to entertain the group. Then did some line dancing, drank a little and ate a lot. Or was it the other way around:-)

Turkey | Kemer Marina | Navigator Restaurant | Irish celebration and sing-along

March 16, 2008

Another great day for a Sunday hike. It's always more fun with lots of blue skies. We had quite a variety of terrain. We started out on a logging road progressed into woods and then open meadows finally ending at a stream with a trout restaurant. Our Sunday hikes are usually quite challenging so a nice reward at the end keeps the group going. We had a great trout lunch at Yesil Vadi Trout Restaurant.

Turkey | Kemer Sunday hike to Yesil Vadi Trout Restaurant

Turkey | Kemer Sunday hike to Yesil Vadi Trout Restaurant

Turkey | Kemer Sunday hike to Yesil Vadi Trout Restaurant

Turkey | Kemer Sunday hike to Yesil Vadi Trout Restaurant

Turkey | Kemer Sunday hike to Yesil Vadi Trout Restaurant

Turkey | Kemer Sunday hike to Yesil Vadi Trout Restaurant| mid hike break

Turkey | Kemer Sunday hike to Yesil Vadi Trout Restaurant

Turkey | Kemer Sunday hike to Yesil Vadi Trout Restaurant

March 9, 2008

Merhaba We've another busy week. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel with our refrigeration project. My stove will move from the floor back into place by Tuesday. We have two coats of varnish on exterior. Many social events since I wrote last. We went with a group to an English Restaurant off the beaten track Rock hotel. We had a lovely English roast beef and turkey dinner complete with Yorkshire pudding.

Turkey | Side | Kemer Sunday hike to ancient Greek site

Turkey | Side | Kemer Sunday hike to ancient Greek site

Turkey | Side | Kemer Sunday hike to ancient Greek site

Turkey | Side | Kemer Sunday hike to ancient Greek site

March 9, 2008

Today we boarded the bus at 8:30 for a three hour ride to small ancient city of Side (See-deh). It was colonized by Aeolians (Greeks) around 600 BC. Later Romans controlled the area. The modern town is built into the ruins. Quite touristy but well worth a visit. The temple of Apollo sits on the beach. I can imagine it's quite spectacular when lit at night and passing by boat. The theater seats 15,000 and is well preserved. We ate our picnic lunch there. Then walked among the sand dunes and ancient site. Camels took tourists for rides in the dunes along the shoreline.

Turkey | Seleukeia | Kemer Sunday Hike to ancient Greek city

Turkey | Seleukeia | Kemer Sunday Hike

Turkey | Seleukeia | Kemer Sunday Hike

Turkey | Seleukeia | Kemer Sunday Hike

After our visit at Side we drove to Seleukeia (Lyrbe)another ancient Greek city on a mountain top near Side. Seleukeia ancient site has spectacular views, few tourists. beautiful pine forests and meadows. The foundations of this site shows the ruins date back before Hellenistic times. We didn't arrive back to Kemer until 6:30 so quite exhausted now. Have a great week and we'll try to settle down and get some more work done.

Love Sally and Al

Turkey | Kemer | Kemer Marina | Navigator Restaurant | Al's birthday

Turkey | Kemer | Kemer Marina | Navigator Restaurant | Al's birthday

March 6, 2008

We celebrated Al's birthday tonight at our Navigator Restaurant in Kemer Marina. The Navigator staff always has a cake for a cruisers birthday or anniversary. Birthdays and Anniversaries are announced on the morning Cruiser's Net (radio) and everyone knows a cake will be served. Some how they always cut enough pieces so everyone gets a bite.

March 1, 2008

It was our Carnival. The costumes and masks were great fun. Enjoyable dinner and dancing. Fun was had by all. We continue to have hikes every Sunday. Last week was a short bus ride away where we walked part of the Lycian Way through pine forests and orange groves. The Navigator Restaurant had birthday cake for Al on Thursday.

Friday was NOT an evening to miss the orchestra concert. Tchaikovsky's piano concerto No. 1 was energetically played by a Bulgarian pianist Milena Mollova followed by Symphony No.4 No one was falling asleep that night! Last night our new marina manager honored the women of the marina for World Women's Week with a party in his office. We were given a glass of wine and a flower.

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