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September 2006 - Mediterranean Spain, Balearic Islands

Spain |Island | Menorica | Ancorage Cala Deia

September 30, 2006


What a lovely anchorage. This is what we expected the Med to be like. Cala Deia is set back into the mountainside to our left and large rock cropping's to our right, with a small sandy beach in front. Eirene and Artemis were the only two boats in the anchorage for the night. We rowed into shore and walked the beach and rocks. We thought about swimming but only got our legs wet. We grilled our tuna steak for lunch that we bought at the open market. Yum, fresh green beans and kiwi too. We did some sewing projects until Al broke his sewing machine. We can't figure our why everything we bought new wants to break down on us :-( We rowed back to shore and had a couple of beers with Pam and Steve while they finished up a late lunch at the beach bar restaurant.

Al and I walked into the village of Deia 35 minutes all uphill through an absolutely gorgeous ravine. We followed a creek with little pools and falls through olive and orange groves into a neat little village. The hillsides are all terraced using rock much like the Irish did do fence their pastures. We even had a few stiles to climb over. The rails were worn smooth from the years of use. Then we had a 30 minute downhill walk back to the boat. Once again Eirene and Artemis are the only boats in the anchorage. Everyone who stopped in for lunch and a swim have moved on. We had a salad and leftover tuna for supper. We plan to move on up the coast tomorrow.

Love Sally and Al

September 29, 2006


We worked on the windlass and put water in the batteries this morning. Al was able to get the cockpit button for the windlass to work but we think the foot pedal needs to be replaced. At least now we can haul up our anchor with both of us on deck. Randall the electrician came back with a new fan for the inverter that will run all the time hopefully this solves our problems. All seems to be working well. It was nice having someone with the meters to check out all of our electronics and who we could communicate with. He also checked the VHF radio and the SSB for us too. We had over 3 hours of labor, two trips to the boat, fan... cost 240 Euros. For once Al was happy to pay the price.

We left Palma de Mallorca about 12:00 for Puerto de Soller. No wind, calm seas so motored the 35 nm to a lovely anchorage Cala Deya (Deia)about 3nm from Puerto de Soller. We arrived about 6:30 (18:30). I made a chicken salad while we motored today so supper will be easy.

Love Sally and Al

September 28, 2006

Hola, We grocery shopped yesterday but today we went to the open market to buy fresh fruit, vegetables, cheese and meats. We got our laundry back 35 Euro's for 2 small bags! :-( After lunch we had trouble with the invertor. It started to smell then smoke. Always something. Al has called a repair man. We'll see what he has to say. Otherwise the genset is working and we can make do. We visited the Cathedral and museum. It was quite spectacular. Then we walked the old part of town. The streets are shop lined with apartments above and very narrow. The plaza's are clean and very restful. The trees, fountains,shrubs, flowers all quite beautiful. We found a post office and mailed off a DVD of pictures so Patrick should be able to put them on the site when they arrive. Well the electrician arrived at 1900. He was an American from North Dakota. It turned out the fan on the invertor seized up and burnt out. Fortunately no other damage. He's hopefully bringing us a new fan in morning and we' ll be able to move on as planned. We plan to buy a small blower to install in the inverter cupboard to help with circulation and to avoid over heating. He also checked out the radio (AOK) and the windlass and Al was able to get some ideas to work on tomorrow. Steve and Pam stopped by about 2100 and we went out for wine and tapas at a nice restaurant. A nice ending to a taxing day.

Love Sally and Al

September 27, 2006

Hola, It seems when living aboard there are always errands and repairs to make. Al and I visited several chandleries in Palma and successfully found some things we've been looking for. Then we wandered through town towing our grocery cart only to find the open market closed for the day and the grocery store closed for siesta until 5:00. So we went a wandering saw some sights then back to the boat. We took showers then went back up to the grocery store at 5:00. We stopped at a Tapas Bar and had a couple of beers and some tapas on our way back to the boat. Steve and Pam took the train to Soyer and had a marvelous day. We were invited over for wine and cheese. We've decided to take the boats to Puerto de Soller and up the Northeast side of Mallorca on Friday.

Love Sally and Al

September 26, 2006

Hola, We had a good nights sleep and a lazy morning at anchorage. I did some clean up on the inside of the boat and made Al a nice omelet for lunch. The VHF radio is acting up so Al spent time trying unsuccessfully to fix it. For some reason this ICOM has decided when you push 16/9 to only give us 16. Then when you go looking for nine all the channels are out of sequence and you have to search. What a pain. Always something. And of course the hand book has no help :-( We went into Pier 46 Marina in Palma de Mallorca. We are right below old town and an amazing Gothic cathedral built 1230. There's an Almudaina palace across from it. Looks like lots to visit here. We're staying three nights so we should have time between laundry, provisioning, and repairs. We washed the salt off Artemis, had dinner. Now we plan to take a walk to see some of what is close at hand.

Love Sally and Al

September 25, 2006

Hola, Al sent the log before I finished it yesterday. Al went in for a swim and got stung by a jellyfish. Quick action with vinager followed by a baking soda paste fixed him right up. We grilled steak and enjoyed a nice dinner before we decided to move anchorage so as not to rock and roll again all night. We moved to Cala del Lleo on the other side of the hill from Cala Boix, Ibiza (20min.) We got there in the dark and we could see rocks so Al anchored the best he could. We did fine.

We had a quiet night and left the anchorage at 0800 for Menorca. The NW winds 15-20 were really NW 20-30 or higher off the beam. We had 5-6 meter seas off the beam. It took awhile to get the right sail configuration. I put up the main in the bounding seas. Hour later too much sail the auto pilot wouldn't hold so I had to pull the main down. Now let's try the mizzen reefed. So I pulled up the mizzen. Let's reef the main and pull that up. So Al put the reef in and I pulled her up. Now the mizzen needed to com e down as the wind moved closer to NNW. So I put the mizzen away. But once we were set (2 hours later)we made good time.(6.5-8.5 kts) Lunch was interesting to make. I kept flying across the cabin until I used my galley strap for the first time. She worked like a charm. Sea say you want sea salt. Al, I and Artemis are coated in it. Lots of spray but lots of sunshine so all in all it was a great one tack 8 hour sail. We spent over an hour finding a good anchorage and setting our hook. But we are set for the night and plan to grill again. My kind of meal, season it up and pass it out to Al.

Love Sally and Al

September 24, 2006

Hola, We had a rough night. The waves rolled into the anchorage and the wind held us broad side so we rolled and bounched all night. Plus the rudder kept banging which we never figured out what was doing it until morning. A storm rolled in about 0500 and gave Artemis a good bath and bounced us around some more. We finally got a little rest but pulled anchor about 1000 for a quieter spot. We moved east about 18 nm. No wind and drizzly the whole way. The coastline is very dramatic with high cliffs, caves, calas, crevices, and a beautiful lighthouse. We dropped anchor in a quiet spot about 13:00 Cala Boix, Ibiza. Another spectacular anchorage. We took a nap.

Love Sally and Al

September 23, 2006

Hola, We pumped up the dingy and went ashore at San Miguel. Nice beach, restaurants and shop. We had an English breakfast of eggs, toast, brown beans, melon and coffee. Steve and Pam came into the anchorage. We decided to hike over to the other beach and up onto a lookout. Good trail a little strenulous. But wonderful view of our anchorage. We took the dingy for a closer look at the cliffs and into another near by anchorage guarded by a rock that resembles Queen Elizabeth on her throne. Stopped to see Pam and Steve and invited them for dinner. Too windy to grill so I made my chicken caititorie. Anchorage is pretty bouncing. Happy 24 birthday Christopher!

Love Sally and Al

September 22, 2006

Hola, We had a quiet morning in anchorage. Al did some computer work and I finally found some time to read. We hauled anchor at 1330 for a quiet downwind sail 12 nm to Puerto de San Miguel, Ibiza. It's a gorgeous spot but 3 other sailboats in here. We went for a swim and grilled our dinner. It's so wonderful to have a grill again! The anchorage is surrounded on all sides with high hills, caves so beautiful. It's so amazing to sit in the cockpit and look around. It's so peaceful and relaxing and I'm not stressing out over 28 new second grade students and getting to know them well enough to conference with their parents in October. Hmmm... I guess I like cruising.

Love Sally and Al

September 21, 2006

Hola, We hauled anchor at 0800. It was a cloudy (imagine that) morning and winds out of the East of course as that's where we were headed. We tried sailing as close to the wind as possible but as we had 56 nm to go, we turned on the engine to help out. The clouds passed by noon but still East winds 15-25 kts not the SE called for. We arrived at the anchorage at 1800. We are in a lovely spot, Cala Bassa near San Antonio, Ibiza. (NW side of the island). The cala has low lying cliffs with caves. The ten hour trip, wind and sun wore us out so it's early to bed tonight. Tomorrow is soon enough to explore. I had a quick shower to wash the salt off. It seems I'm always the one to get hit with the spray as we bound through the waves.

Love Sally and Al

September 20, 2006

Hola, We had another pleasant morning at anchorage. Our friends water maker pump arrived today so we're headed out to the Baleares Islands tomorrow to Ibiza Island. Al put a coat of clear coat varnish on the teak toe rails today. He was worried they'd start to go really quickly in this heat. They look good. We took a dingy ride into town and looked around. We got onto the internet for 20 minutes (2 Euro's)! We went for a swim and showered. Then we christened our new grill and grilled a steak for dinner. Pam and Steve picked us up for a dingy run into town for ice cream.

Love Sally and Al

September 19, 2006

Hola, We had a pleasant morning at anchorage. We actually went in for a swim. The water was so crystal clear and warm. Our major project today was fixing one of the dorade boxes. Al had made the replacement underlaying piece but we hadn't installed it yet. We took the dingy into the harbor and walked around. We picked up a few supplies and met up with Pam and Steve. Pretty much just a lazy day today. Quite a few boats have come into the anchorage tonight. We plan to do some sight seeing tomorrow.

Love Sally and Al

September 18, 2006

Hola, We walked over to a little islet to look at the archaeological dig in process of two temples dating back 3,500 years. One dedicated to the Sea God and the other to the Goddess of Fertility. There was also a watch tower dating from 1554. We left El Campello around 10:00 headed 30 nm to Moraira (Morayra). We sailed, motor/sailed most of the way. We took showers underweigh. We refueled and took on water then moved out to a lovely anchorage below a 300 ft. rock wall. Pam and Steve are anchored here as well. We'll visit the city tomorrow. Steve is waiting for a water pump for his watermaker. We'll watch the weather for the 50nm crossing to Ibiza one of the Baleares Islands. Pam and Steve invited us to dinner on their boat tonight.

Love Sally and Al

September 17, 2006

Hola, We left Carthegena at 08:00. We are motor sailing again today. It's either wind or no wind in Med so far. Our friends traveled yesterday and had great winds. :-( Oh well... we hope to make 60-70 miles today with a shorter trip planned for tomorrow. We had our supper around 13:30 so now when we arrive at our anchorage at 19:00 we can eat light. Well so much for NW winds. We had SW all day so none of the anchorages would work. So once again we are in a harbor :-( We got here about 19:00. The entrance was not fun in that the swells were breaking in the opening and there were rock on either side. We plan to take showers and look around before heading out to Moraira tomorrow. We only have 35 miles to travel. Happy 85th Birthday Grandpa Pribyl!

Love Sally and Al

September 16, 2006

Hola, We had another busy fun day in Carthegena. We walked over to the other marina and met another couple on a Mason 44, Mariah from Boston. Nina and David are getting to ready to leave the Med after 5 years cruising. Al helped hoist David up to do repairs on his radar that was swing from it's mount during the winds we rode down they dove into on Thurs. We visited with Rob and Kathy on Twixler also then went up to the grocery store. We picked up our new barbecue grill on the way back to the boat. I pulled Al up the mast to put some wire ties on the single side band antennae. We rowed over to buy gas for the dingy (our tanks had an oil/gas mixture). But no luck it was self serve and kept spitting our card out at us. Finally we walked a half hour to a gas station and when we got back it was too windy to try out the new engine anyhow. We deflated the dingy and stowed it away. Cleaned up and went for our visit aboard a 200 ft yacht. It was quite amazing. They're only allowed 12 guests on a private yacht so imagine the size of the quarters. We traveled through 5 levels. Say Tom Al and I had Johnny Walker Blue tonight. The captain Tony was fun and interesting to talk with. He also invited the Peter (wonderful man who works for the marina) and his wife Carol. We had an enjoyable visit and tour of the yacht. Weather permitting we'll move on tomorrow.

Love Sally and Al

September 15, 2006

Hola, Carthegena is quite a find. To think under other conditions we may have passed it by. It was founded in 227 B.C. by Carthaginian and was conquered by the Romans in 209 B.C. It was also an important stronghold during the Spanish Civil War and one of the last to surrender. The city has 14 different archaeological sites to visit. We walked by the Roman Theater and archaeologists were hard at work sifting through the sand and dirt. It was built in the late 1st century B.C. and is quite spectacular. This city has not one but three castles. We bought a new roll up 8 ft dingy today with a 4 stroke engine. It was a package deal so now we are the proud owners of not one but three dingy motors. We plan to find a buyer for the 15 HP as we certainly have no use for it on this cruise anymore.

Tony, the captain of "Sarah" a 200 ft yacht noticed our boat and came across the marina to have a closer look. He came aboard for a couple of beers (35 cent variety) and he invited us aboard tomorrow for some Johnny Walker Blue and a tour. We had a fun visit he's from England and currently lives in Barcelona. Interesting visit. He did a circumnavigation as captain on a 70 ft sailboat for a widowed 75 year old who wanted to cruise. He also had his own boat in England. Now he's captain of Sarah owned by a Saudi prince. He takes the boat wherever the prince wants it delivered. He has a crew of 20 and now they are done for the season. They're headed to Gibraltar to refuel (about 65,000 liters) before heading to their home port in Barcelona.

We were treated to fireworks again tonight. Don't know what we were celebrating but they were awesome. We met another American couple on a catamaran called "Twixler". Fun couple, both computer consultants and working part time as they cruise. (at least 10 years younger than us). We walked into the city after the fireworks. The buildings are beautifully lit at night. We stopped for something to eat and changed our minds. Don't tell the boys but we had ice cream again. We plan to spend another day here. We have a barbecue grill on order arriving tomorrow, grocery stop, and of course our invite aboard Sarah to look forward to.

Love Sally and Al

September 13 - 14, 2006

Hola, Big winds and Big seas! We left Estepona at 08:00 headed for an anchorage around Cabo de Gato. We had a lovely motor sail. The Mediterranean was flat calm with a light ripple. The dolphins are plentiful and visited us throughout the day. We also saw our first shark. His fin weaving back and forth behind the boat. We picked up some light south-west winds around dinner time and then they began to build more from the west. Al and I did 2 hour watches through the night.

Just before Cabo de Gato at 04: 30 winds had really picked up 35-40 kts. We were pulling the mizzen down when we heard a loud ping! We had been towing the dingy on such a calm quiet day and when the wind picked up it was too late to hoist it on deck. We had it on a short line and it was riding beautifully. Evidently when the bow went up on a wave and came down the dingy went under the transom and pulled the towing rings right out. We had the motor, fuel and oars on board but... good-bye dingy. We weren't about to turn about into 4 meter seas in the dark and search for 130 pound dingy and try to retrieve it in those conditions. We rounded Gabo de Gato at 06:00 and considered going to our intended anchorage and decided it wasn't a wise bet.

Our alternative was to continue another 70 nm to Puerto Carthegena. Puerto Carthegena is a secure port that many large vessels use and has a ship harbor attached. We figured even if the seas were flowing straight in there would have to be a secure marina. We were not mistaken. As we approached Puerto de Carthegena we became more apprehensive as now the 5 meter seas were meeting the backwash of the seas hitting land and coming back to meet it. Now the seas were choppy and stacking up white on top of each other, very strange. Up ahead black storm clouds over Carthegena, overhead and behind us clear blue skies. (Carthegena had flooding rains and big hail before we arrived).

Saw lots of bigger, brownish color dolphins enjoying the seas. One good thing with the rough seas we weren't skirting around fishing boats all day. We only saw one and a military vessel at anchor. As we arrived at Carthegena (18:30) a ship was leaving and we had big following seas until we cleared the 2 miles of outer harbor. We were happy to find the inner harbor much quieter and the marina quieter yet. We were directed to the newer marina under construction. The marina personal were extremely helpful. They took our lines and had us sprung in two directions before we could even get off the boat. An electrician made up an electrical cord so we could have power. We checked into the marina and then it was definitely beer thirty. We took a deserved break after our 36 hour jaunt. Once again our boat handles the conditions it's the crew that gets warn out and needs a break. We plan to stay a day to sight see and dingy shop.

Love Sally and Al

September 12, 2006

Hola, Our doctors would be so proud of us. We walked over 7 miles today and were quite successful in our pursuits. We were after a plank to use as a gangplank. This would be a simple task in the USA. We described what we needed at least 7 or 8 times before we found what we wanted. The first person thought I wanted a tree and was sending me to a Garden Center. I became more animated in my descriptions after that. Mostly we were directed to cabinet making shops before we finally did find a lumber yard of sorts. We then went looking for a small Camping Gaz tank to use in place of propane. Success but then we had an hour walk back to the marina carrying both. We fitted the gang plank and went to pick up some supplies. Funny thing was how we appeared to others as we walked along. Al had the gas tank in a canvas satchel hung on his shoulder (like a purse) and Sally hiking along behind him carrying 2" x 8" x 7' plank!!

We had a wonderful seafood dinner. We through together a concoction of shrimp, swordfish, rotelle, onion and garlic. Yum! We leave in the morning for an overnight passage. We want to reach the Baleares Islands by next week.

Love Sally and Al

September 11, 2006

Hola, We are back in Spain. We had breakfast, refueled and headed out of Gibraltar about 12:30. We had a great sail, lazy day, 21 nm to Estepona. Unfortunately we had to start the engine a few times to veer around some tunny nets. The winds died and we finally started the engine for real about 1800. We didn't see anyone in the anchorage and the winds were from the east so we decided to go into the marina (1900). It is very cutsy. Everything is blue and white. Looks like a fun town to visit. The town is of Roman origin. Mountains rise up beyond the town.

Love Sally and Al

September 10, 2006

Hi From Gibraltar, Al worked on the refrigeration this morning. He's trying to figure out why it kicks off when using inverted shore power. It works fine on the genset or if we start it on genset for a while and then switch it over. Mysteries... I wrote some e-mails to marinas inquiring about winter berthing. We headed up to City Center to visit the festivities for National Day. Everyone dressed in red and white. They let off 30,000 balloons and they were gone in 5 minutes...missed that. The disco music was going full bore in the City Center and the kids were going wild. Typical Americana disco music and kids are the same. Except in Gibraltar they will not sell cigarettes or alcohol to anyone under 16 years of age. These kids looked 12. Further into the city we found a jazz band more to our liking and had a beer with Steve and Pam. We went back to the harbor for gin and tonics on Eirene. Our boat is more difficult to board at high tide. Fortunately by 10:30 I could easily crawl over the bow pu lpit and find my bunk. We're heading out tomorrow for Estepona, Spain.

Love Sally and Al

September 8, 2006

Hi all, We are anchored below The Rock (Gibraltar) in San Felipe, Spain. We plan to move into Marina Bay Marina, Gibraltar in the morning. We left Cadiz at 0730 and arrived here 2000. What a day. Passing through the Straits of Gibraltar is an interesting adventure and it's suppose to be more so when you leave heading westward! Of course as all sailors know, the weather forecast was not what we got. We had SE 15-25 all day with some gusting. All went well the first 5 hours the next 4 were quite ?? and the last 2 were fine. As we approached Tarifa we had currents, tides and boat engine. The GPS said the SOG was 7.5-8.5 kts and we were moving 2.0 kts. with crazy chopping waves beating the bow. At one point we thought we would have to turn around but finally made some headway. Once around Tarifa things improved. Halfway through the straits we encounter the "washing machine waves" we had in Ireland. Seas were all mixed up. Later as we turned into Bay of Algecires we had a strange experie nce. An area of about 100 yds square was totally flat but seemed to be bubbling from underneath then outside that area it was choppy. We met up with Steve and Pam on "Eirene" in the anchorage at San Felipe, Spain. Al and I had celebratory drinks! We are in the Med!

Love Sally and Al

September 7, 2006

Hola, Last night's walk through town was a whole different experience than during the day. The shops are open late, and the people are out enjoying the coolness of the evening. The streets we found nearly empty by day were crowded by night. Pam, Al and I went to the Mercado Market this morning. It's like a huge Farmer's Market. We picked up wonderful fruit and vegetables. There was a large super market across the street and we got what else we needed. Al and I visited the internet cafe and caught up on our land based internet and checked our guest book. We don't get to see it often and it's fun to read. Thanks to everyone who checks in. We washed down the boat and made preparations to leave tomorrow. It's 72 nm to Gibraltar our next stop.

Love Sally and Al

September 6, 2006

Hola, Last night's walk through Cadiz was a whole different experience than during the day. The shops are open late, and the people are out enjoying the coolness of the evening. The streets we found nearly empty by day were crowded by night. Pam, Al and I went to the Mercado Market this morning. It's like a huge Farmer's Market. We picked up wonderful fruit and vegetables. There was a large super market across the street and we got what else we needed. Al and I visited the internet cafe and caught up on our land based internet and checked our guest book. We don't get to see it often and it's fun to read. Thanks to everyone who checks in. We washed down the boat and made preparations to leave tomorrow. It's 72 nm to Gibraltar our next stop.

Love Sally and Al

September 5, 2006

Hola, Today was my first real day of unemployment, the first day of school in Minnesota! (workshops don't count) We designated today boat jobs day. We changed oil in the genset, transmission fluid on the Yanmar, refrig thermostat (works), installed TV monitor in the aft cabin and general tidying up ship. Our friends Steve and Pam moved over to our marina this morning. The wind is still howling and the forecast will keep us in Cadiz until Thurs. or Friday.(wonderful city to be holed up in) We've called ahead for reservations in Gilbralter. Queensway Quay was full so we need to call again tomorrow at Marina Bay hopefully they'll have a spot for us. Steve and Pam are confirmed there. Otherwise we can anchor not to far away under the runway :( We're heading uptown about 7:00 with Steve and Pam for their first look at Cadiz, Spain and for some tapis for dinner.

Love Sally and Al

September 4, 2006

Hola, We decided to get up with the birds this morning and take the 7 AM bus to Seville. Al said he needed a haircut. Ha! We got of the bus without a map, having no idea where we were in the city. We started walking. We crossed a beautiful park with a tall monument topped with a huge lion. On a closer look we discovered the monument was in honor of Christopher Columbus and his unrelenting, courageous explorations. Still having no idea where we were we stopped at a cafe for some coffee and some sort of fried pastry you dipped in chocolate. The chocolate part we learned from a young Dutch couple sitting at the next table. They were very helpful and even went back to their hotel and gave us their map of the city as they were leaving for France. We thought the cathedral in Cadiz was magnificent but it was nothing compared to the cathedral of Seville. We happened to arrive during mass and it must have been some important event as we saw a lot of pink (bishops and cardinals) on the alter . This cathedral was originally a mosque. We walked the exterior of the palace and the fort. It was Monday and the museums were closed to the public.

We took a Hop On Hop Off bus tour and who should come on to our bus? Pam and Steve our friends from Knoxville. They had taken the train in to Seville and had spent the night. We had lunch at an outdoor cafe. Most times it's too hot to eat indoors. Today was no exception 41 degrees Celsius (108 F). Saw old Roman aqueduct. The heat finally got to us so we took the 3:30 bus back to Cadiz. Air conditioning...ahhh! It was only 31 C in Cadiz and the wind was still blowing 25 kts so we were quite comfortable back at the boat. We old folks took a nap as we were up at 5:30 AM. I made a beef stir fry later for dinner. It's just too hot to cook for more than 20-30 minutes at the galley. I miss my grill!

Love Sally and Al

September 3, 2006

Hola, Happy Sunday. We went to a small cafe for gaspacho and a roll for breakfast and we visited three churches today. The first being the Cathedral of Cadiz where we went to mass (understood four words, alleluia, amen, and Papa Benito. It was built in 1820 and is a magnificent structure but in ill repair. Big nets were hung from the ceilings to catch the falling plaster. We witness a couple of baptisms in another church. All three churches were ornate with many statues, carvings, and oil paintings. We walked through some Roman ruins of an amphitheater found as they were excavating for a new structure. We were able to walk the tunnels underneath the seating for the amphitheater. We took a bus down to Casa de St. Sebastian and the beach. We walked out but it wasn't open for visits. We then walked through Jardin de Genoves. We had a beer and some calamari and some sort of crepe with shrimp and green onion. Interesting but fried. The gardens were beautiful with sculptured shrubs, sta tues, fountains, flowers, tiled walkways and benches. It ran for two miles overlooking the ocean. It was a cool respite out of the hot, hot sun. Time for Ice Cream!

Love Sally and Al

September 2, 2006

Hola, We had a wonderful day exploring Cadiz, Spain. What a beautiful city. Cadiz has 150,000 people. This city dates back to the Phoenician times. The streets are cobblestone and the architecture is overwhelming. We don't see much of this in the USA. We traveled by foot for a few hours. Then we had lunch/supper in a nice outdoor cafe. We've been eyeing this seafood and rice enter and finally ordered it. Prawns, mussels, shrimp and clams over saffron rice. Yum! Well worth the Euro's we paid for it! We visited a chapel where a couple was just married. Whoa, the Spanish are much more ornate in their churches and architecture and statues. We took a tour bus around the city. We still want to go back to the Cathedral and to the gardens we saw on the tour. We went to the internet cafe but couldn't get into our website. Called Patrick so hopefully that will be figured out. We went grocery shopping and headed home. It was well past beer-thirty. We decided on fruit, cheese, and crackers aft er our big lunch. Love to all, Happy in Cadiz

Love Sally and Al

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