July 2015 - West Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Ireland
Scotland | Canna Island |hiking Northern Ireland | Giants Causeway July 26, 2015 Dear Family and Friends, Facebook has certainly made...

June 2015 - Wales, Ireland, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland
Isle of Man | Laxey | Laxey Water Wheel June 24, 2015 Dear Family and Friends, We had a wonderful 5 days in Peel Harbor on the Isle of...

June 2014 - Scotland, Norway
Norway | Vikingen Island | Arctic Circle Monument June 21, 2014 Dear family and friends, We have had an eventful week above the Arctic...

May 2014 - England, Scotland
Scotland | Aberdeen | Botanical Gardens May 30, 2014 Hi Family and Friends, Goodness I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks since last...

April 2013 - England, Scotland, Germany
North Sea | Elbe River | Germany | Cuxhaven | Artemis moored in Cuxhaven Yacht Club Marina April 28, 2013 Hi Everyone, We enjoyed our...